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Ojas: How to increase your vitality

What is Ojas?

It is a word in Sanskrit (a language that is 5,000 years old) used to describe overall health and wellness in a person.

Ojas is built when we are taking care of ourselves instead of going hard all the time and overworking. It's an energy that gives our bodies and our minds vitality. It is the essence of our bodily tissues.

Think of when we are depleted and overworked, we oftentimes catch a cold or get sick. This is partly due to a depleted immune system, which becomes weakened when we are over worked, stressed, and burned out.

In Ayurveda, ojas has everything to do with immunity, the bodies ability to fight off disease. When our ojas is low, our immune system becomes weak.

Imbalances that will deplete our ojas...

1. Stress

2. Negative thoughts (jealousy, gossip)

3. Shock, trauma

4. Lack of proper rest (insomnia)

5. Excessive travel

6. Multitasking

7. Use of technology

8. Improper nutrition (junk food)

9. Smoking

10. Excessive alcohol

11. Improper sexual practices (promiscuity, addiction)

Ways to build ojas for optimal health and vitality...

1. Establish a regular daily routine. It starts with your morning routine.

2. Eating a diet rich in whole, organic, natural foods.

3. Getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night.

4. Spending time in nature.

5. Having healthy relationships

6. Pamper yourself

Herbs that help to build ojas...

1. Ashwaganda

2. Shatavari

3. Shilajet

4. Licorice

It's important to learn how to listen to our bodies, and to recognize the signs of imbalance within us while not comparing ourselves with anyone else. What works for one person may actually cause us harm. Ayurveda teaches us how to take care of ourselves by connecting to our own natural constitution and by using the elements around us to balance our nature. If you are curious about learning more, sign up for my newsletter. I regularly give workshops on ayurveda, yoga, health and wellness.

As always, much love and namaste friends.

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