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3 Reasons Rest & Recovery is Essential

There is such a thing as too much exercise.

There is such a thing as doing too much and being too busy.

I have to remind myself of these words often. It's no secret that all of us are juggling 100 things at the same time. That is just the way the world is right now. But...just like you schedule in a doctors appointment, or a workout session...schedule in your rest. After 20 years of working with a wide variety of clients, I have learned that most people know they are overdoing it, but most people don't realize how damaging it is to their health.

Just this last weekend, I drove up to Chicago by myself to spend the weekend with my son. My husband & daughter were in Dallas for a volleyball tournament, so I was driving solo. My son has just joined the United States Navy and my time with him is selective, therefore it means the world to me. On my drive back from Chicago, traffic was awful. I arrived home around midnight and jumped right into teaching my classes and working with clients. Needless to say, I was dragging a#% for the first few days.

Midweek, I got home from the gym and had a ton of emails to catch up on. I also had some programs that I had to send out to online clients. But I told myself that I was going to put it on hold for 30 minutes while I took a nap. FOUR HOURS LATER... I woke up with drool on my face. I initially felt guilty for not doing all the work I was behind on, but remembered that I had been going nonstop for 6 days. Putting stuff off for one more day wasn't going to change anything. And you know what...that 4 hour nap was heaven!

We all need to give ourselves time to rest & recover. Don't take it from me, listen to the latest science on the importance of sleep.

1. Lack of sleep inhibits weight loss.

According to a study done in 2017 by The American Sleep Apnea Association, the average adult needs between 7-9 hours of sleep every 24 hours. Most Americans are not meeting that minimum. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep on a regular basis inhibits weigh loss. When we put off sleep, our cortisol levels increase. (that's the stress hormone) Cortisol is responsible for holding onto fat. The more we are stressed, the higher our cortisol levels and the more our body wants to cling to fat.

2. Our muscles and organs need time to repair.

In the latest issue (April 2019) of Ace Fitness Journal, resting puts "hormones and satellite cells to work by repairing damaged tissues, restoring spent energy to muscle cells & removing metabolic byproducts." For those of us who exercise intensely, we tear our muscle fibers every time we push out of our comfort zone. These fibers need time to regrow and heal. When we neglect rest & recovery, we set ourselves up for injury. Over trained muscles are not getting proper blood circulation, nutrient delivery, and aren't removing metabolic byproducts. Likewise, when we push ourselves in life, with deadlines, traveling, clients, kids, chores, etc. we forget that our brains are constantly firing on all cylinders. Our brain is an essential organ that also needs time to relax. In the fitness world there is a term we use, OTS, Over training Syndrome. This applies to the gym as well as to life. When we don't give our muscles and organs (including the brain) time to repair, we will eventually experience OTS. The symptoms include, chronic fatigue, decreased physical and mental performance, mood changes, low immune system, adrenal fatigue which can contribute to weight gain, nervousness, insomnia, depression and hyperactivity.

3. Energy and Feel Good Vibes

In Ayurveda there is a Sanskrit word that we use to describe this, Ojas. Ojas is our life force energy. It's what gets us through with a positive, up beat attitude and zest for life. When we are neglecting rest & recovery, when we are pushing through full throttle until we collapse, we aren't enjoying life. Who wants to go through life without enjoying as much of it as possible? Life is short. It goes by too fast. When we are so tired, irritable, and overworked that we are overlooking the joys, beauty, and love that fills our hearts and makes us smile, then what is the point? The ability to stay in the moment and really appreciate the people in our lives, the things that we have worked for, the situations and opportunities that we are given is the gift of being alive. When we fail to rest and recover, we lose mental clarity and focus. We end up going through our days in a fog. When we're in this state, we can't see the love and the beauty of the moment that we are blessed to live in.

In our productivity driven world, we are all prone to over-stimulation. We all fall victim to it. It's okay. It's nothing to beat yourself up over. But don't feel guilty if you need to call in to work and use up a sick day every so often just to stay home and allow your body, mind, and spirit time to recover and recharge. Remember, we cannot fill from an empty cup. After a 4 hour midday nap, I felt energized and ready to take on the world once more. Rest is as essential a part of the human experience as eating. Don't hesitate to take a rest day when needed. As always, much love and namaste friends.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment below.


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