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Reasons why we should put our legs up on the wall...

Manic Mondays are a real thing...

Today while I was driving home from the gym, I heard Joyce Meyer say that stress is the disease of our generation. And I don't think that anyone would disagree with her. We all know the effects of stress on the mind, body, & spirit. Even modern medicine has acknowledged that stress can contribute to hypertension, heart disease, some cancers, and a host of other issues.

Taking 10 minutes out of your day to put your legs on the wall will help you reboot, relax, alleviate stress, and refocus on what is important.

You can really do it anywhere. Don't be afraid to do this in your, yes I suggest you find a quiet corner and throw your legs up on the wall for 10 minutes. Or do it when you get home, right before you go to bed.

Putting your legs on the wall not only helps you relax, it will help improve blood circulation. If you stand on your feet all day, or even if you spend 8 hours a day in a seated position, this will work wonders on your circulation.

If you sit all day, whether you realize it or not, your hamstrings are in a contracted position. Putting your legs on the wall for 10 minutes stretches the back of your thighs. Tight hamstrings contribute to back misalignment. Putting your legs up stretches your hamstrings, reverses blood circulation improving circulation throughout the body, and helps to realign the spine, alleviating back pain.

Improved circulation delivers more blood & oxygen to the brain, improving mental clarity, helping us to focus and essentially be more productive.

Such a simple solution. I dare you to try it.

Find a quiet spot.

Put a soft, comfy blanket on the floor.

You can place a pillow or a folded up blanket up against the wall to prop your hips on. You can also add a small pillow to rest your head on.

Press your hips as close to the wall as you can. Lay back onto the floor, and swing your legs up resting them on the wall. Close your eyes and just lay there for 10-15 minutes. Set a timer on your phone if you want. Another option to help you still the mental chatter, is to play some of your favorite relaxing songs.

If you're afraid that you don't have time to put your legs up, just remember that the world will not stop if you step away from it for 10 minutes. Nothing is so important that it will come crashing down in 10 minutes. Give yourself this time. You deserve it. You are worth it.

Much love and namaste beautiful friends.

Sabrina White

Sabrina is a Health & Fitness Coach & Ayurveda Health Educator. She has spent the last 20 years helping people lose weight, get fit, and live their best life. If you have any questions for Sabrina, you can reach her at

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